我们是澳门真人赌场官方网站, 特拉维斯县纳税人资助的医院区, and we are closing gaps in healthcare by offering more care to more people in more places. In 2023, 澳门真人赌场官方网站系统-澳门真人赌场官方网站, 社区保健中心, 和Sendero健康计划,为150多人提供服务,奥斯丁及其周边地区的低收入人群有1000人. 这是特拉维斯县九分之一的居民. 去接触更多的人, we work closely with a wide range of partners – from Integral Care to the Dell Medical School at UT–Austin to the 健康 Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM). 集体, 我们正在培养一种同情的文化, 尊严, and honesty that sustains our efforts to bridge healthcare gaps in Central Texas.
想象一个医疗系统,每个人, 无论收入或背景如何, 自己的价值, 支持, 被照顾. Unfortunately, the current American healthcare model falls short. Patients are reduced to checklists, and profits often take precedence over their well-being. Navigating this system is daunting, especially for those with limited resources.
但在特拉维斯县,我们有希望. Because of the commitment made by Travis County taxpayers over the past two decades, 澳门真人赌场官方网站 is uniquely positioned to heal and repair what’s broken and build a system that treats every individual with 尊严 and respect.
By caring for those who need it most, 澳门真人赌场官方网站 improves the health of our entire community.
Central Texas healthcare is getting better every day for everyone, 使特拉维斯县成为健康社区的典范.
The name “澳门真人赌场官方网站” reflects our commitment to Central Texas and signifies our pivotal role in planning, 支付, and providing healthcare for Travis County residents with low income. Like a bustling hub, we pool resources and coordinate efforts to advance health equity. We’re not just a healthcare provider; we’re a dynamic force fostering connectivity and inclusivity for a healthier future.
澳门真人赌场官方网站 provides health and wellness services that make healthcare better for all of Travis County, including direct medical care in various specialties and lines of service that bridge the deepest gaps in Travis County’s safety-net system – from podiatry to pulmonology to palliative care. 澳门真人赌场官方网站 also administers the Medical Access Program (MAP), which covers healthcare costs for county residents with low income.
社区保健中心 is the federally qualified health center (FQHC) network formed in 2009 to own and operate 初级护理 clinics previously run by the city of Austin and Travis County. The network now has two dozen locations, making it the second largest such system in Texas. CommUnityCare is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit; like other FQHCs, the majority of its board members are patients of the health center. CommUnityCare partners with 澳门真人赌场官方网站 to apply for and receive federal financial support and benefits and shares essential organizational functions, 包括人力资源和技术, 与中央医疗系统的其他部门合作.
Sendero健康计划, 由澳门真人赌场官方网站部于2011年创建, markets insurance plans through the 健康 Insurance Marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act and provides comprehensive coverage for medically complex cases among people with low income through its Premium Assistance Program (CHAP). 澳门真人赌场官方网站 and Sendero also provide health coverage to Austin performers through the system’s partnerships with the 健康 Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) and the SIMS Foundation.
Our story: two decades of transforming Travis County healthcare
自从2004年由选民创建以来, 澳门真人赌场官方网站 has innovated and transformed how people who need and deserve quality healthcare can be made whole and well. That transformation continues today as we ensure that healthcare is getting better:
- 更适合150人,我们每年为1000多名德州中部居民提供高质量的服务, 在他们自己的社区提供富有同情心的医疗服务.
- Better for Travis County communities that need better healthcare, who always have a seat at the table as we connect and learn together what works best for them.
- 这对特拉维斯县的纳税人更有利, whose generous investment in 澳门真人赌场官方网站 allows us to stand up the services people need now and bridge the gaps that have divided Central Texas for generations – making our entire community healthier.
- 对我们的员工更好, 供应商, and partners who collaborate every day to build a healthcare ecosystem that is empathetic and effective while acknowledging and respecting each other’s unique contributions and immeasurable talents.
155,685 people served in FY2023 – a 2% year-over-year increase.
612,964 初级护理 visits were provided through 澳门真人赌场官方网站’s broad network of health care partners.
247个供应商位置, 包括社区健康中心, 医院, 专家, 牙医, 紧急护理地点.
In 2023 澳门真人赌场官方网站’s provider network increased by 12%. Nineteen new 供应商 were added to the network including opioid treatment, 初级护理, 专业供应商.